Openings compatible with passive defense architecture by using Analytic hierarchy process (AHP)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Prof., the University of Arts

2 Ph.D.student at Engineering Research Institution of Natural Disaster ShakhesPajouh

3 Associate Professor, Iran University of Science & Technology (IUST)

4 Department of Passive Defense, Malekashtar University of Technology


Approach to the history of five thousand years of human civilization and the experience of the past two decades (which is only 292 years without war) shows that the enemy procedure, based on strong air attack isjust in the first month and civilians bombarding is began if the spirit of national defense continues after two weeks. So the buildings in the cities are damaged in different ways by the attacks that are often promoted as military fault or other excuses. Bombardment and its resulting blast waves increase buildings damage and human casualties. Furthermore, according to the contemporary architectural theorists, designing all spatial scales in artificial environment are considered in the realm of architecture knowledge. Due to the fact that the resistance of a building against blast wave depends on the shape and form of the building and its roof, number of windows and openings, strength and type of materials used in construction. In the design process it is vital to determine the potential danger and the extent of this danger. Most importantly human safety should be provided. Moreover, to achieve functional continuity after an explosion, architectural and structural factors should be taken into account in the design process, and an optimum building plan should be put together. Study and evaluation becomes important about building openings against consequences of the explosion. Openings are the weakest part of the structure against blast wave and shrapnel and could play a role in increasing or decreasing the effects of explosions on buildings according to their position in the external layer of the building. Thus, the purpose of this survey is to determine some indicators for evaluating the openings of buildings against blast effects. In this regard, the various types of openings were identified for evaluating them in terms of passive defense using library resources. Then, through interviewing with experts in the field of architecture, civil and passive defense all the indicators for the openings were extracted. Then questionnaires for weighing the influent indicators were given to 28 experts due to obtain their opinions. Through the use of group decision-making method based on paired comparisons model, the priorities and also necessity of each indicator and its weight were determined by 9. Likert scales method. In order to assess the reliability of the questionnaire also the test of Cronbach’s Alpha can be used. The reliability of the questionnaire was acceptable, the Cronbach's Alpha equals to 0.786. By implementing this method, it was concluded that ratio of opening area to wall area is the most important factor among the other effective indicators and the skylight method is in the next rank. Based on the results, the effect of these two factors is more than fifty percent in the design of Opening aligned with passive defense architecture. It is also important to note that the shape and the type of selected openings shouldn’t be in contrast with building functions.
