Guide for Authors

Guide for Manuscripts Preparation and Submission

  1. Journal of Architecture and Urban Planning accepts scientific articles in the fields of architecture, urban planning, urban design and other related fields.
  2. The submitted articles must not have been previously published in other journals or submitted to another journal simultaneously.
  3. Articles must be in Persian and in accordance with the principles of writing this language.
  4. The articles are published after the approval of the reviewers and the confirmation of the editorial board.
  5. The authors are responsible for the content of the articles.
  6. The journal has the right to accept, reject or revise the articles. Articles and their appendices will remain in the publication office and will not be returned.
  7. It is forbidden to publish the articles that are previously published in this journal, in other publications or books without referencing the source.
  8. The submitted manuscripts must be research papers that are conducted by the author(s). Review Papers are only accepted if the authors have previously published research papers and cited a number of reliable sources in the review paper.
  9. The journal does not accept translations, reports, and notes.
  10. All articles must contain the following sections in the presented order:

10.1. The first page contains the title of the article, the name and surname of the author(s) along with their academic rank and name of the institution or place of employment, address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail (If the corresponding author is different from the first author, the authors should provide a written note to the publication office and introduce them).

10.2. The word limit for Persian abstract is approximately 200 words (in four separate paragraphs, including "Problem Statement", "Research Objective(s)", "Research Methodology" and "Results/Discussion and Conclusion").

10.3. Three to five Keywords.

10.4. Introduction should include: problem statement, research objectives and a general overview of the article.

10.5. Literature Review.

10.6. Research methodology.

10.7. Results/Discussion and Conclusion.

10.8. Acknowledgment of the individuals who contributed to the article.

10.9. Footnotes including the Latin equivalences and the necessary explanations of the terms used in the article.

10.10. List of Persian and Latin sources in alphabetical order according to the author's surname.

10.11. The English section should contain all the required information on the first page of the Persian section along with the abstract of the article which is about 500 words, and the English keywords should be the equivalence of the Persian keywords.

  1. Referencing Guide:

11.1. In-text citation: (author's surname, year of publication, page).

11.2. References:

Books: Author’s surname, author’s name (year of publication). Book title (translator or proof-reader: name of the translator or proof-reader). Place of publication: Publisher name.

Articles: Author’s surname, author’s name (year of publication). Article title. Journal name, volume, journal number, Page range of article in the journal.

12. The journal follows the approved method of the Academy of Persian Language and Literature in editing the manuscripts.

13. Authors should prepare the minimum required number of photographs, images, diagrams and tables, with appropriate quality and with reference to the source, including author's surname, year of publication, and page.

14. Photographs and images should be submitted separately, with a resolution of 300 DPI, in TIF format and A5 size.

15. Articles shall have a maximum length of 8,000 words.

16. The names, addresses and contact information of all authors should be provided on a separate page.

17. Be sure to fully explain the article type on the page of authors and article information, and also on the article review request letter. Explain the article belongs to which of the following categories:

- Article from an approved research project (mentioning research project specifications)

- Article from a doctoral dissertation (mentioning dissertation specifications and its current phase)

- Article from a master's thesis (mentioning thesis specifications and its current phase)

18. Authors are required to complete the article review request letter and the conflict of interest form and upload them on the publication system, along with other related documents of the article.


Article Review Request Letter in the Journal of Architecture and Urban Planning

Conflict of Interest Form

The Journal of Architecture and Urban Planning does not charge a fee at any stage of submission, review process and publication of articles.